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Status Future Consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 16, 2018

Important To Me bar (ITM) in Orient Me (OM) should allow pretty bubbles (with images) that can filter for event generators

When pushing events to the activity stream of people or communities, it gets important to be able to filter events by their generator (like "all salesforce events", "all SAP events" etc.).


This is possible using the app registry by using the ITM endpoint of OM (which is a surprise because not documented well):

    "name": "",
    "title": "Orient me SelfService extension",
    "description": "New bubble and Orient me Search for SelfService",
    "services": [
    "extensions": [
            "id": "c9dfdad1-7e7a-4c7f-8206-02638473a42a",
            "name": "New bubble and Orient me Search for SelfService",
            "type": "",
            "payload": {
                "title": "SelfService",
                "id": "comboSearch",
                "type": "global",
                "globalType": "combo",
                "filters": {
                    "source": [
                "image": {
                    "type": "svg",
                    "icon": ""
                "metadata": {
                    "exId": "comboSearch",
                    "counterValue": 0,
                    "label": "selfserviceapp"
                "script": {
                    "source": "",
                    "function": "__salesforceDemo"
            "path": "new",
            "application": ""

Although I have tried to use an image attribute but my bubble stys empty.

BTW: The script tag is a pretty trick from Stefano Pogliani to inject scripts into OM; this way he achieved kind of a Embedded Experience for OM (which is currently not available otherwise).

So my request here is to enable the image attribute for these kinds of filtering bubbles in the OM ITM bar.

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